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The focus of The His Way Ministry is for those reentering society after incarceration. Helping offenders and ex-offenders to find the Way, Spiritually, Mentally, Physically

The His Way Ministry

Individuals Involved: Tom Bullock

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to a
New Life

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posted by Coleman @ 9:44 AM, ,

About His Way Ministry

The focus of The His Way Ministry is for those reentering society after incarceration. Most of the imprisoned will be released and unless there is a change in heart, a metanoia, a new birth; there is an extremely high likelihood that the individual will return to prison. Instead of being a tax-paying citizen, s/he will return as a tax consumer of about $25,000 per year just for maintenance costs. The cost of the crime, the cost of the family left behind, and the costs to the victims of crime are often incalculable.

His Way

addresses this drain on society and opportunity to make a new creation. We provide a weekly training program of spiritual formation and life skill development in the prison. This is launched with a three-day intensive introduction offering a structured process to a spiritual awakening. We offer physical support (temporary housing, transportation, clothing, meals, etc) during the initial days of release, followed by long term guidance with mentors and a weekly support grouping.

The three-day introductory experience is called EXODUS to reflect the pilgrimage from the bondage of prison to the Promised Land of freedom and the new life available as a child of God. A 30-member team consisting of convicted ex-offenders (both inmates and former inmates) along with servants never having been incarcerated minister to 30 inmates. The team prepares for the three days - building community, emphasizing humility and servanthood in three sessions. During the three days a series of videos present a method for discovering the power of Jesus Christ and how we might serve Him. Small group discussion and an exercise follow each video. Additionally, opportunities for joyful singing, meaningful worship, and reinforcing fellowship form a part of the experience. Dramatic transformations are witnessed. Muslims, Satanists, nonbelievers, and hardhearted discover Christ and his healing power. Angry, lonely, confused, abandoned men become loving, caring, disciples.

The prerelease follow-up to the EXODUS is a weekly class in prison to reinforce and advance the transformation experience. Spiritual formation is a fundamental part of this ongoing presentation. An examination of our life leads us to surrender our will, to accept God's plan, to acknowledge our sins, and clear up the past, to lead us into a life of service to God. Regular reporting of spiritual disciplines of holiness, formation, and evangelization is encouraged. Life skills such as financial management, interpersonal relationships, health, grooming, and etiquette are presented and promoted. The format is presentation, small group discussion, and homework assignments.

The post-release phase consists of early intensive assistance in making the initial transition. e.g. securing legal identification, housing, job, church, meals, medical attention, transportation, etc. A mentor is assigned to each candidate. Weekly support grouping provides a forum for reporting of spiritual disciplines and sharing life experiences. e.g. dealing with career situations, family relationships, temptations, etc. Approximately, once a month, the post-release community engages in a service project. We have painted houses, landscaped public areas, cleaned out a burned shell of a house, constructed, storage buildings for a low cost housing construction project, etc. Our ex-offenders have made presentations to criminal justice college classes and others interested in reentry.

A key element in the His Way process has developed almost spontaneously: Many of our mentors are themselves ex-offenders - peers ministering to each other, Also, funding is, to a major extent, from the contributions of the members. Other sources are churches, civic groups, individuals, and charities. We have not sought government assistance and have relied on the generosity of these other sources. Almost 100 percent of the budget is for operations. Very little is spent on administration or fund raising. We are loosely partnered with Prison Fellowship and the Noisette Foundation. A board of directors establishes policy and direction for His Way.

No one who remains active in the post-release phase has been re-incarcerated in the eight years of this ministry. We have been blessed with a calling that is rewarding and successful as we seek to discover and follow God's plan.

Ways to be involved: PRAYER -- PRESENCE -- PECUNIARY


are invited to contact HisWay at the addresses or telephone number below. Your prayers for these men and women (offenders, ex-offenders, and volunteers) are coveted.


can make the resources of the church available to ex-offenders and their families as God rebuilds their lives. This can be simply access to your clothes closet or food locker. Or it can be as involved as welcoming the ex-offender to your fellowship. HisWay will be pleased to speak at your gatherings to tell our story.

HisWay Ministry
PO Box 32133
Charleston, SC 29417

843-763-5494 <> FAX: 556-7659

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posted by Coleman @ 9:41 AM, ,